HV Aluminium’s CoVid-19 Updates & Guidelines

Eclipse Opening Roof Display HV Aluminium

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Eclipse Opening Roof System, HV Aluminium


Are we open? Are we still working on projects? How are we protecting workers & customers? All your questions answered below! 


First, from everyone here at HV Aluminium, we want to say thank you. We are proud to be an Australian-owned family business that sources the majority of materials from within Australia and we thank you for all your loyal and ongoing support throughout our company’s long history! 

As we move forward under the ever-changing restrictions, we wanted to update all our current and future customers with what we’re doing to keep up with the changes happening and keeping safe during this interesting period.  

We have implemented many measures, which we will continue to reassess and make changes to as required so that we are responding appropriately to the changing situation regarding the coronavirus and related health concerns.   

Is Your Office Open?

Yes! We have worked towards the highest goal of staff and customer safety by creating the option for relevant staff to work from home, as well as implementing measures to maintain social distancing and increased handwashing stations throughout the office.  

In addition to this, our design team, delivery staff and builders are encouraged to use the tradesman’s entrance when coming to the HV office, which minimizes contact with staff and customers.  

Are you still building/working on projects?  

Yes! Our domestic and commercial projects are still being constructed and our team is working hard to service all current and new projects, even though some may be doing this from their home.  

What guidelines are in place to ensure staff and customer safety on-site?

Staff and suppliers representing HV Aluminium are required to comply with the following guidelines when at work or attending a customer’s property during this time: 

  • Avoid physical contact when greeting customers, e.g. no shaking hands when introducing themselves. 
  • Any HV Aluminium team member who becomes unwell and/or thinks they may have symptoms of COVID-19 will need to seek medical attention immediately and prior to any further contact with any other staff or customers. They should call a medical centre ahead of time to book an appointment advising of any symptoms and not have close contact with anyone, especially those who are unwell or considered vulnerable. 
  • HV Aluminium team members are to advise their Manager or Supervisor of any contact with anyone suspected of being unwell so that their superior can enforce the required action plan.
  • No team member is to attend HV Aluminium’s office, nor any customer’s property if they have been in contact with anyone that has been showing any flu-like symptoms until satisfactory evidence can be provided that they are clear of infection.
  • Good hygiene practices with sneeze and cough etiquette, social distancing and hand washing are to be applied at all times. 
  • If any of our team has recently returned from overseas or has been in contact with someone who has returned from overseas in the last 14 days, they are not to attend the HV office, warehouse or be on-site, but self-isolate for a period of 14 days. They must also report the situation to their manager or supervisor immediately. 

Are you taking on new projects at the moment?

Yes! Following the advice from our government and health experts, we can continue providing our outdoor living and home improvement expertise and services to our customers. As long as all staff, suppliers, work crew and our customers all follow the social distancing and hygiene rules, it is perfectly safe to take on new projects. 

home improvements

Newcastle is a close-knit town and we hope we work together with a positive attitude to beat this and return to better times quickly. Until then, we look forward to helping our customers with their home improvements so they can better enjoy this prolonged period at home! 

Stay home and stay safe. If you have any questions about our products or services or would like to get further information on our health and safety practices during this time, please email us at [email protected] or phone us at 02 4903 3388. 

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